Well, come to find out (is that an old person's expression?), Halo is a video game and sitting and playing halo literally meant sitting and playing that video game. Shucks! Darn. Even damn. My whole image and the meaning I had assigned "Sitting Halo" was crumpled up--null and void. I had about thirty seconds of disappointment that I had so misread her words, but something stuck with me---those words, "Sitting Halo" kept clamoring around in my head. There was meaning there for me. I was touched by that expression and I let it just sit inside of me for several days.
Sitting Halo. Holding a person you love--or loved---or need to love---or can't love (you get the picture---insert your favorite name now)--holding a person in a sacred space---in a holy light---surrounded by grace and compassion--and of course--by light. Light that might give them a bit of hope or a new perspective or a glint/glimmer that they are going to find their paths. Sitting Halo---my new best phrase--- means even sitting right next to somebody you want so desperately to "fix" and make better and steer down a different road----but maybe your words are all used up and broken-record-sounding---maybe your words would fall on deaf ears or a hardened heart. And, anyway, maybe your words are not what they need. You know exactly what I'm talking about; you've been there. You might be there right now. So, don't say anything. Just Sit Halo for that person. Just pray--- if that's the word that makes sense for you life. Or meditate---- Send them love. Ask for them to be sheltered and nourished and to be "healed"-----and yes, I know that can mean a zillion different things. But you get it, don't you?
Sit Halo.
Today I could not do anything to make Taylor feel better. I had done all there was to do. I was frustrated and close to tears. So, I just stood close, was silent, and "Sat Halo." For me, that meant I prayed for him to be out of pain. It felt like such a relief to have a place to "go" with my thoughts and for the love I hold for him. I didn't need to tell him what I was doing or why I was doing it. It is simply (and beautifully) a prayer for watching over---for whatever that person needs to live his /her life's purpose full out.
For the woman who cuts in front of you in line at Wendy's: Sit Halo. For the friend we have who is lost and not knowing where to turn in life: Sit Halo.
For the sister/son/friend who has not made contact with you in months: Sit Halo. Hold them in that sacred and holy place in your heart. Say their names---pour love on top of their names. See them in your mind's eye completely surrounded by grace and luminous light. Ask that they will know hope.
Sit Halo.
I am honored and so touched to know that there are those of you "out there" Sitting Halo for me.
Don't say a word. Hold that intention----for love---for them.
Sit Halo.
Sit Halo.
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Taylor and Hawkeye |